USD stable against KD at 0.295
The exchange rate of the US Dollar against the Kuwaiti Dinar was stable on Thursday exchanging
The exchange rate of the US Dollar against the Kuwaiti Dinar was stable on Thursday exchanging
The exchange rate of the US Dollar against the Kuwaiti Dinar was stable on Wednesday exchanging
The US dollar steadied vis-a-vis the Kuwaiti dinar on Tuesday exchanging at KD 0.295 and the
The exchange rate of the US Dollar against the Kuwaiti Dinar was stable on Sunday exchanging
The exchange rate of the US dollar against the Kuwaiti dinar was up at KD 0.294
The exchange rate of the US dollar against the Kuwaiti dinar was stable at KD 0.294
The exchange rate of the US Dollar against the Kuwaiti Dinar was stable on Sunday at
The exchange rate of the US Dollar against the Kuwaiti Dinar was stable on Thursday at
The exchange of the US Dollar against the Kuwaiti dinar (KD) was stable on Wednesday trading
The exchange rate of the main currencies, namely the US dollar, Euro, Yen, Swiss Franc and
The exchange rate of the US dollar against the Kuwaiti dinar was stable at KD 0.293
The exchange rates of the main currencies, namely the US dollar, Euro, Japanese Yen, Swiss Franc
The exchange rate of the main currencies, namely the US dollar, Euro, Yen, Swiss Franc and
The exchange of the US Dollar against the Kuwaiti dinar (kd) was stable on Monday trading
The US Dollar exchange was stable against the Kuwaiti Dinar on Tuesday trading at KD 0.292,
The exchange rate of the main currencies, namely the US dollar, Euro, Yen, Swiss Franc and
The exchange rate of the US dollar against the Kuwaiti dinar was stable at KD 0.292
The exchange rate of the US dollar against the Kuwaiti dinar was stable at KD 0.292
The exchange rate of the US dollar against the Kuwaiti dinar was stable at KD 0.292
The USD exchange was stable against the Kuwaiti dinar on Tuesday trading at KD 0.292 while
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