March 07, 2025

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UAE’s Ministry of Economy closes all its customer happiness centres


In line with the directives of the wise leadership of the UAE, the Ministry of Economy has decided to shut down all of its customer happiness centres.

The ministry urges all customers to do all dealings through the digital channels provided by it to enable the public to obtain services easily.

During its meeting last month the Ministerial Development Council (MDC) has discussed a plan to reduce 50% of the service centers of the federal government and covert the services into digital platforms within two years as a part of the digital transformation strategy.

The plan was created based on a comprehensive evaluation that considers geographical distribution of the centers, capacity, level of demand, quality of digital transformation, and financial impact.

As per the suggested plan, the first phase includes a total of 282 service centers, out of them 59 centers will be closed during the first quarter of 2021, while the remaining centers will be targeted between 2021 and 2022 in way that ensures customers satisfaction and continuity of services.

The Ministerial Development Council also reviewed a study on the premarital screening for genetic diseases and ways to reduce the incidence of genetic diseases in populations.

The Council discussed the draft implementing regulation for the Federal Law on Securing Interest with Movable Property.

The Council discussed the formation of the Standing Committee on Conventions in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

The Council proposed amending the Cabinet resolution on the UAE National Commission for Education, Culture and Science. The amendments come after subordination of the commission to the Ministry of Culture and Youth.


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