Qatar Exchange index gained 621.03 points (+5.22%) this week when the bourse closed Thursday at 12,520.66 points.
Trading value during this week increased by 73.36% to reach QR 3,512,095,718.22 compared to QR 2,025,877,563.89.Trading volume increased by 109.86% to reach 91,689,330 shares, as against 43,689,760 shares, while the number of transactions rose by 49.07%, to reach 40,426 transactions as compared to 27,118 transactions.
Market capitalization rose by 4.20% to reach QR 676,062,498,627.80 as compared to QR 648,789,367,954.06 at the end of previous week. Banking and Financial Services sector led traded value this week with 28.87% of the total traded value. Real Estate sector accounted for 26.73%. Industries sector accounted for 24.03% and Telecoms sector accounted for 9.31%.
Real Estate sector led traded volume this week with 40.47% of the total traded volume. Banking and Financial Services sector accounted for 20.85%. Telecoms sector accounted for 17.50% and Industries sector accounted 12.88%.
Banking and Financial Services sector led traded number of transactions this week with 27.77% of the total number of transactions. Real Estate sector accounted for 27.15%. Industries sector accounted for 20.91% and Telecoms sector accounted for 12.02%.
From the 43 listed companies 36 ended this week higher, while 7 fell. Barwa Real Estate led traded value during this week accounting for 12.7% of the total traded value. Gulf International Services accounted for 10.81% and Ezdan Holding Group accounted for 9.42%.
Source : Qatar News Agency