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Local inflation increased by 2,87% last June

Kuwait Central Statistical Bureau
Kuwait Central Statistical Bureau

Kuwait Central Statistical Bureau has issued the monthly report on statistical analysis of the indices of consumer prices for last June with indicators of the rates of change for the commodity groups influencing the spending of living of the families and on the ability of consumer spending and service to members of the community, of a new year base 2007.
The index figure last month recorded a rise of 132.7 or 0.23 per cent as a result of the rise in prices of some major groups with influential figures in the movement and low standard of some groups.
The annual record of the general index of consumer prices last June increased by 2.87 per cent compared with the same period last year. The Index for Food and Beverages group decreased last June by 0.27 per cent, compared with the same period last year. Here are some indicators affecting the food group last June.
The prices of fish and seafood fell by 1.03 per cent, while the prices of oils and fats fell by .29 per cent.
The price of cereals and breads increased by 0.25 per cent, as prices of meat and poultry rose by 0.35 per cent.
The prices of dairy products and eggs increased by 0. 29 per cent, meanwhile, there is a rise of .38 per cent in the prices of sugar and sugar products.
So the annual inflation rate for this group has been risen last June 2.47%, compared with the same period last year.
The Index for Tobacco and narcotics group increased last June by 5.79 per cent. The Index for the clothing and footwear group increased by 0.23 per cent last June.
The Index for home furnishings and equipment maintenance group rose by 0.07 per cent last June.
The index for the health group stood at 125.5 same as the previous month. The Index for transport group rose by 0.16 per cent last June.
The Index for communications group stood at 100.6 same as the previous month.
The Index for recreational and cultural group increased by 0.08 per cent last June.
The index for education group rose last June by 0.78 per cent.
The restaurants and hotels group increased by 0.31 per cent last June on the rise of the prices of catering services by 0.39 per cent.
So the annual inflation rate for this group rose last June by 2.54 per cent, compared with June, 2013.

Source : KUNA Kuwait News agency


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