The U.A.E. computer product market is forecast to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate, CAGR, of about 8.47% until 2018, according to a research note published by Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry, based on research by Business Monitor International (BMI) and Euromonitor International.
According to the research note, the U.A.E. IT market was estimated to value around AED15.75 billion in 2013, of which hardware sales made up the largest share of 52%, followed by IT services with 30% and then software with 18%.
The U.A.E. computer product market is important for the U.A.E. economy, with portable computers and laptops making up the dominant share of consumer spending by value in 2013. The widespread use of the internet in homes and offices in the U.A.E. has led to increased demand for computer products.
According to the Network Readiness Index 2014 of the World Economic Forum’s Information Technology Report 2014, the U.A.E. ranks highly at 4th out 148 countries in firm level technology absorption and about 85% of households have a personal computer. More recently tablet computers have become more popular among consumers as they provide computing power to the user with mobility.
Demand for computer products in developing countries also continues to grow with growth in population and increased awareness about the benefit of using computers for learning and communication. Due to this growing demand and its strategic geographical position at the crossroads between Asia and Africa, the U.A.E. has become an important trading hub for computers manufactured in Asia to be re-exported to the growing consumer markets of Africa.
Source : WAM News Agency for United Arab Emirates