The UAE Health Ministry has approved a set of controls for the conduct of the educational process in the coming period, whereby all students at various stages are required to obtain a negative test result (PCR) of no more than 96 hours when they start studying in educational facilities, at the beginning of the new year and semester.
The green traffic system will also be implemented for parents through the AlHosn application to enter educational facilities.
The ministry said, “We make it clear that these standards are subject to updating and change based on the latest requirements of health authorities and in coordination with local committees and emergency, crisis and disaster teams in each emirate. School http://www.businesstoday.me/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/sample10.jpgistrations will communicate directly with parents and provide all updates on the study system and health status.”
“We thank the educational cadres for their great role in flexibly dealing with the changes in the situation and developments in the situation and dealing with the latest developments. We also thank the parents for their constant support and cooperation, and our students for their commitment and keenness to implement the ministry’s directives to ensure public health.”