March 15, 2025

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Fines up to Dhs50,000 for violation of COVID-19 rules in the UAE


The Attorney General of the United Arab Emirates Dr. Hamad Saif Al-Shamsi issued a decision to update the rules aimed at monitoring violations and sanctions.

Decree no.(38) 2020 was issued to limit the spread of the coronavirus and include updates to a list of violations that cover a lot of things.

A fine of Dhs50,000 for violating requirements for the mandatory hospitalisation of patients.

The refusal of mandatory hospitalisation for COVID19- patients or refraining from taking the prescribed treatment despite being informed or not complying with the implementation of this decision at the designated facilities. (Specialists may report to public authorities to implement this decision).

A fine of Dhs50,000 for failing to adhere to home quarantine and quarantine instructions in private establishments, as well as evading precautionary measures.
— Failing to adhere to home quarantine instructions according to the Home Quarantine Guide and to get retested as per health procedures, or refraining from the implementation of such instructions.
— Failing to adhere to the quarantine facility instructions which are determined by the relevant authorities, and getting retested according to health procedures, or refraining from implementing the same.
A fine of Dhs20,000 for evading the implementation of precautionary measures or avoiding quarantine instructions specified by the relevant authorities, including the following:

A. Cheating or providing incorrect information.

B. Deliberately not disclosing the details of individuals coming to the country from abroad or not completing quarantine procedures as required by the relevant authorities.

C. Recruiting workers or domestic servants from abroad and not disclosing their arrival, or not subjecting them to quarantine

The updated list includes fines for non-compliance with the quarantine instructions at home and quarantine facilities; for deception and evasion offences; non-compliance of institutions and companies with the precautionary measures, as determined by relevant authorities; violating judicial orders or when stopped at checking points.

The list also imposes fines for spreading fake news, information or coronavirus-related rumours, as well as violating temporary entry rules by vehicles used for commercial purposes.

The Ministry of Public Affairs urges citizens to adhere to prevention recommendations and to comply with measures and precautions issued by the competent authorities to limit the spread of the disease COVID-19) in the interest of their health and safety.


A: Face masks may be removed in the following instances:
1.    Upon eating or drinking in cafes and restaurants or similar places.
2.    In case a person is suffering from pulmonary or respiratory diseases documented in a medical report.
3.    Practicing sports alone.
4.    Working individually in an office.
5.    When a person wants to be medically examined and that requires the removal of face masks.
6.    People of Determination who suffers from severe disability.

B: The fines stated in provisions 3.2C, 11.1, 6.5, 6.4, 6.3, 6:1, 3A, 16, 12, 11.5, 11.3 apply to legal persons or responsible managers in sole proprietorship facilities.

C: Violators may be obliged to pay for damages caused by their violations.

D: The application of penalties does not contradict stricter penalties stipulated in any other legislation, or the penal, civil or disciplinary liability of persons and establishments who commit offences or are responsible for them.

E: Whoever helps or mediates in any violation stated in this resolution shall be subject to the stated fine, without contradicting the fines, which shall be imposed due to the violations mentioned in this resolution.

F: Vehicle impounding shall not exceed one month, and the vehicles owned by the government are exempted. Impoundments may be replaced with an amount of Dhs100 per day, with the delivery of impounded vehicles after sterilisation procedures are conducted at the expense of violators.


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