Tawazun, the U.A.E.-based strategic investment company, and four of its subsidiaries, will exhibit the latest in hunting and defence weaponry, ammunition, shooting clubs and training services at the Abu Dhabi International Hunting and Equestrian Exhibition, ADIHEX, 2014. This year, the company plans to showcase its best U.A.E. craftsmanship and latest weaponry innovations as it reprises its role as an exclusive weaponry partner.
Saif Ali Al Marzooqi, Associate Director, Corporate Communications, said that ADIHEX provides a great platform to celebrate the best of U.A.E.’s manufacturing and national expertise, saying that experts from management firm Remaya, one of four companies fully owned and run by Tawazun, will also participate in ADIHEX’s newest offering – the Knowledge Zone – on Combat First Aid, to promote firearm safety and first aid.
The other three Tawazun subsidiaries taking part are specialist rifle manufacturer Merkel, ammunition manufacturer Caracal Light Ammunition (CLA), pistol and tactical rifle manufacturer Caracal International and shooting consultancy.
“Remaya’s consultancy and training services for shooting clubs and related products have seen the company expand its offerings in the U.A.E.. Its management operations include Caracal Shooting Club in Abu Dhabi, the Al Ain Shooting Club and the state-of-the-art Western Region Shooting Club, which is currently under construction and is due to open in early 2015,” said Al Marzooqi.
Al Marsooqi went on to say that Merkel, which was founded in 1898, has gained an international reputation for combining exceptional hunting gun manufacturing with high-tech forging design – split between the U.A.E. and Germany. He also revealed that orders from the U.A.E. market have traditionally centred around Merkel’s made-to-order products, and that Merkel’s latest product, the RX Helix – which has been dubbed as ‘the hunting rifle of the 21st century’ – will be on show.
“CLA boasts production lines able to manufacture a wide range of calibres for defence, hunting and sporting purposes,” said Al Marzooqi. “Since 2012, CLA has regularly introduced several top lines such as the new shot shell ammunition, making it the only manufacturer in the region to produce this first-of-its-kind product catering to the sport shooting market,” added Al Marzooqi.
The exhibition will see Caracal International present its history and highlight its position in the market as the region’s only pistol manufacturer, among its other hunting and defence products.
Source : WAM News Agency for United Arab Emirates