March 28, 2025

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Al Faris transported 25m long rail tracks weighing 12,000t in total for the Etihad Rail Project


Al Faris provided their client with a complete solution for transporting the 25m long rail tracks weighing 12,000t in total using their lowbed trailers. This was the first shipment of rail tracks delivered to the UAE for the Etihad Rail Project. 250 trips were completed within 26 days in order to transport and offload the rail tracks at their final location safely and efficiently.

Al Faris fabricated 10 flatbed trailers specifically for this project which were extended up to 25m in length in order to fit the loads effectively and avoid any transport complications. The fabrication was done in-house by their team along with technical studies for the extension done prior.

The commute which covered a distance of over 250kms was from Mina Zayed Port to Ghiyathi (Etihad laydown area) in Abu Dhabi and each trip was about 4.5 – 5 hours.

The 1,200km Etihad railway project will connect the seven emirates of the UAE to its neighboring GCC countries.

The transportation which was critical in nature due to the long commute and long loads, required specialized techniques, equipment and experienced staff.

All road surveys, planning, technical support documentation, authority permissions, execution plans and schedules were prepared in-house prior to job execution. This helped organize all activities smoothly with minimum delays.



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