Together with the Dubai based partner, Versatile, a business development company, Graphic Concrete Ltd brings prefabricated concrete surfaces in the Middle East. The patented technology invented by interior architect Samuli Naamanka is an industrial product for large-scale surfaces and a tool with that allows architects to be more visually creative.
“Graphic concrete allows designers and architects to design attractive and durable patterns and images to prefabricated concrete surfaces such as facades, walls and pavement slabs,” explained Harri Lanning, CEO of Graphic Concrete Ltd. “Our end product is a membrane used in the prefabrication process of concrete.”
The desired image is printed on the membrane with a surface retarder, after which the membrane is sent to the local concrete prefabrication company. Concrete is cast on the membrane and when the retarder is washed away the image is revealed.
“Being a standardised part of the prefabrication industry, graphic concrete is easy to use. The solution is also cost effective, as the surface is ready as such and requires no more cladding,” Lanning said.