March 16, 2025

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Datamatix Gitex moved on to its third consecutive day


20130227_Datamatix-Gitex-Conference-2The Datamatix Gitex conference has reached its third day at the Sofitel Luxury Hotel in Dubai, U.A.E..

Day three focussed on topics like mobile applications and security, Smart government cloud computing, social media trends and modern s-Government applications.

It kicked off with a presentation from Ashraf Kanjo, Head of Corporate Digital Marketing from RUG Communications Ltd. He elaborated his views on GCC Smart government and smart city’s global mobile app and technology strategies, stressing the various pros and cons of introducing mobile apps as an effective mode of interactive communication for an interactive community. He also emphasised the security threats and the various vulnerabilities that are associated with mobile apps and the need to rise above the bar of legacy systems.

This was followed by a presentation on Cloud Computing Best Practices by Dr. Krishnadas Nanath.

A coffee break and networking session was followed by a presentation on GCC Global Social Media Strategies for Smart Government and Smart Cities by Racha Mourtada, Manager, Youth Initiative from the Mohammed bin Rashid School of Government. She discussed the modern norms and strategies of social media in today’s world and its direct and indirect influence on the working patterns of he government organisations.

She also stressed the necessity for introducing and adapting more and more government social media portals and policies that will drive Government innovation in a time of acute budget constrains and increased technological globalisation.

The day concluded with a presentation by Hani Al Ghofaily, Director, Departmebt of Media of Al Riyadh Newspaper. He presented a case study on Global Social Media Trends.

In his presentation, he emphasised how Al Riyadh Newspaper has been living up to the global social media benchmarks and how it has been believing and effectively delivering and decentralising information to citizens at large. He also stressed the social media and corporate social responsibility shouldered by the newspaper in the wake of global technological advances.

The conference on day three served as a platform for sharing and exchanging experience and ideas and collaborating with all the public and private sector leaders to encourage innovation and development of a Gulf renaissance in innovative technology.

Ali Al Kamali, Managing Director, Datamatix, added that the conference contributes towards facilitating institutional cooperation in the GCC that will enable the region in extending and aiming for unimaginable horizons in dynamic IT sector excellence.

Source : WAM News Agency for United Arab Emirates


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