March 11, 2025

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Ministry of Economy announces reduction in fees for 94 of its services


The Ministry of Economy has announced a new list of service fees, reflecting a reduction across 94 of its offered services, particularly provided by the Ministry to the public covering individuals, companies and the business sector. The move is being made in accordance with UAE Cabinet Resolution No. 20 of 2020 regarding services fees provided by the ministry.

The reduction covers a wide range of services, particularly the ones related to innovation, business activities, investment, production, trade, import and export activities. The most prominent of these services include commercial registration services, commercial agencies, trademarks, origin, auditors and intellectual properties. According to the ministry, the reduction rates applied to these services reach up to 98 per cent. The financial impact on the business sector as a result of this reduction is estimated to be valued at AED 113 million in 2020.

H.E. Eng. Sultan bin Saeed Al Mansoori, UAE Minister of Economy, said that the reduction in fees for these select services, with large percentages of up to 98 percent in some services, is a distinct and important step being made to support the business and companies sector in the UAE during the current circumstances and represents a prominent addition to the matrix of measures taken by the UAE Government and local governments to face the repercussions of the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) on the business environment in the country.

H.E added: “Reducing fees for services provided by the Ministry of Economy to individuals and companies will reduce the cost of establishing and conducting business in the country and will reduce the burden on commercial and investment institutions, which is to support the main and affected sectors stimulating the economic environment and ensuring the sustainability of the pioneering structure of the national economy and business continuity.”

Al Mansoori stressed that the MOE and its partners are fully committed in dealing with the negative effects that COVID-19 has made on the national economy. He revealed that they will be working around the clock to monitor the market and business environment situation to develop urgent solutions as well as medium and long-term incentive plans that ensure the protection of economic gains and accelerate the economic recovery.

The following items are the new list of fees for services that have been reduced in the Ministry:

Service Previous fees (AED) New Fees (AED) Percentage of decline
1 Collective management license. 100,000 75,000 25%
2 Annual renewal of collective management license 50,000 37,500 25%
3 Lost replacement of collective management license. 1,000 750 25%
4 Translation License of a workbook. 1,000 750 25%
5 Lost replacement of a workbook translation license 500 350 30%
6 Coting License of a workbook. 1,000 750 25%
7 Lost replace of workbook coping license 500 350 30%
8 Translation & copying License of a workbook. 2,000 1,500 25%
9 Lost replace of workbook trans./copy license 1,000 750 25%
10 Lost replace of workbook registration certificate 300 200 33%
11 Registration a workbook for natural person 100 50 50%
12 Registration a workbook for corporate person 300 200 33%
13 Application for registration of no more than (10) workbooks included in an import or distribution contract. A new registration apply shall be submitted if you want to record more workbooks. 500 350 30%
14 Lodge complaint of rights violation/ NP 150 100 33%
15 Lodge complaint of rights violation/ CP 500 350 30%
16 Registering commercial agency in the record of commercial agents 10,000 7,500 25%
17 Renew of registering the commercial agency in the commercial agents 4,000 3,000 25%
18 Replace commercial agency regist. cert. 200 150 25%
19 Appl. of official extract of regist.rec. 200 150 25%
20 Application for certificate of non-registration in the commercial agents record 200 150 25%
21 Application for making an additional inspection regarding the infringing on a trademark 1,000 750 25%
22 Conflicts exist between the agents and clients collection from the commercial agent 8,040 6,000 25%
23 Conflicts exist between the agents and clients to be collected from the entrusted company 8,040 6,000 25%
24 Selling of trademarks circulate  For Each copy 100 50 50%
25 Submit an application by the owner of the trademark to introduce any amendment or addition to his trade mark. 500 350 30%
26 submitting an application for modifying the usage method of atrademark used to signify amonotiring or inspection have been made 500 350 30%
27 Application for a true copy of the contents of the trademark registry or of any application or document mentioning the trademarks submitted to or issued by the competent department 200 150 25%
28 Application for investigating or searching for a trademark 500 350 30%
29 Fees of application for noting the registry for pledging a trademark or related trademarks, license or transfer a trademark. 1,700 1,250 26%
30 Application for noting the registry for cancelling the pledge of trademark or related trademarks 500 350 30%
31 Application for noting the registry for cancelling the entry of licensing usage a trademark. 500 350 30%
32 Application for registering a trademark or trademarks of goods, products or services related to a single category 1,000 750 25%
33 Application for registering a trademark signifying the fact that goods, products or services related to a single category have been monitored or inspected. 1,000 750 25%
34 Application for registering a trademark or trademarks of goods, products or services related to a single category 6,700 5,000 25%
35 Renewing application for registering a trademark or trademarks of goods, products or services related to a single category 6,700 5,000 25%
36 Registering a trademark signifying the fact that goods, products or services related to a single category have been monitored or inspected 10,000 7,500 25%
37 Renewing registeration a trademark signifying the fact that goods, products or services related to a single category have been monitored or inspected 10,000 7,500 25%
38 Submit a request for data entry in the Trademark Register by the owner of the registered trademark. 500 350 30%
39 Application for renewing protection period for registered mark or group or dedicated mark to indicate supervision or inspection if the application submitted during the last year of the protection period and for each mark of the marks which compose 1,000 750 25%
40 Application for renewing protection period for registered mark or group or dedicated mark to indicate supervision or inspection if the application submitted during the followed three months of the protection period expiration and for each mark of 2,000 1,500 25%
41 Objection to the registration of a trademark 10,000 7,500 25%
42 Application for hearing one or both parties prior to deciding upon objections to the registration of a trademark 500 350 30%
43 Complaining from refusal of the application for introducing any addition or modification to the recorded trademark. 2,500 1,850 26%
44 Application of temporary protection for trade mark in national and international exhibits. 500 350 30%
45 Objection to the application for noting the registry for cancelling the entry of licensing usage the trademark 500 350 30%
46 Issuance of lost replacement certificate for a trademark. 1,000 750 25%
47 Grievance of dismissal decision to object to the registration of a trademark. 10,000 7,500 25%
48 Issuance of lost replacement certificate for a trademark. 200 150 25%
49 Registration cancellation request of a trademark. 10,000 7,500 25%
50 Registration of a trademark proxy registration for foreign corporate. 10,000 7,500 25%
51 Iron scrap export to outside the state, per ton. 250 200 20%
52 Notation with any modification or change come to the data of registry or attached documents, or transferring the registry from schedule to another for foreign companies. 500 350 30%
53 Notation with any modification or change come to the data of registry or attached documents, or transferring the registry from schedule to another for natural persons. 200 100 50%
54 Registration the headquarter for national companies in the auditors’ schedule for two years. 15,000 10,500 30%
55 Registration the branches for national companies in the auditors’ schedule for two years. 10,050 7,500 25%
56 Renewing the registration of the branches of national companies in auditors schedule 5,000 2,500 50%
57 Registration the foreign companies in the auditors’ schedule for two years. 60,000 45,000 25%
58 Renewing the registration of the foreign companies in auditors schedule 10,000 7,500 25%
59 Registering natural persons in the working auditors records, for two years. 6,000 4,500 25%
60 Renewing registration of natural persons in the working auditors records 2,000 1,500 25%
61 Registration in list of trainee auditors 500 350 30%
62 Complaint against natural/ corporate auditor 10,000 7,500 25%
63 Whom Concerned certificate for auditors 100 50 50%
64 Replacement for the lost or corrupt certificate of to whom it may concern for auditors 100 50 50%
65 attestation of a contract for any service performed by the auditor 200 100 50%
66 Submit a request under natural or legal person in the auditor’s record. 200 100 50%
67 Publishing official documents for joint stock companies or partnership companies on shares basis. 10,000 7,500 25%
68 Fees of publishing the official instruments of limited liability company 3,000 2,500 17%
69 Publishing any modification to the official instruments of commercial companies 1,000 750 25%
70 To approve the adoption the microfilm system to save documents for a joint stock company. 1,000 750 25%
71 Ratification of partnership contracts. 100 50 50%
72 Request of assessment of real estate shares for a joint stock company 5,000 3,500 30%
73 Request of decreasing the capital of a joint stock company 1,000 750 25%
74 Study assess share prem. req. stock co. 5,000 3,500 30%
75 Joint-stock company registration in the Companies Registry. 10,000 7,500 25%
76 Sale, merger or acquisition of foreign companies. 10,050 7,500 25%
77 Opening branches for partnerships 1,000 750 25%
78 Application for opening a branch or office for a foreign company 5,000 3,500 30%
79 Application for registration of a foreign company in the foreign companies registry 10,000 7,500 25%
80 Application for approval of modifying the register of a foreign company 2,000 1,500 25%
81 Renew the registration of a foreign company in the foreign companies registry 10,000 7,500 25%
82 True copy of all transactions 100 50 50%
83 Request of certificate of to whom it may concern for stock Companies 200 50 75%
84 The Origin Certificate for the national products plus the amount of the invoice (from AED 1-1,000) 20 10 50%
85 The Origin Certificate for the national products plus the amount of the invoice (from AED 1,001-5,000) 40 20 50%
86 The Origin Certificate for the national products plus the amount of the invoice (from AED 5,001-20,000) 60 30 50%
87 The Origin Certificate for the national products plus the amount of the invoice (from AED 20,001-40,000) 80 40 50%
88 The Origin Certificate for the national products plus the amount of the invoice (from AED 40,001-100,000) 100 50 50%
89 The Origin Certificate for the national products plus the amount of the invoice (from AED 100,001-500,000) 200 100 50%
90 The Origin Certificate for the national products plus the amount of the invoice if it exceeds (AED 500,000) 400 200 50%
91 Print a modified origin certificate instead of a certificate of origin their fees already paid . 40 20 50%
92 License for the use of made in UAE  mark 2,000 100 95%
93 Renewal the license for the use of made in UAE  mark 2,000 50 98%
94 Modify the license for the use of made in UAE mark 1,000 50 95%

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